Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Summer is almost over !!!

I can’t believe how quickly this summer has flown by. My 20 year class reunion has come and gone. My youngest sister got engaged and married. I turned 38 in June. Stores are starting to bring in their fall and winter lines…I’ve been so busy with life that I’ve barely had a free moment. I feel like I looked up and it was mid-August.
It’s been an odd, but interesting summer. I had challenged myself to grow this summer. I had big plans of what I thought I would accomplish. I was going to take a French class this summer, I was going to go camping, and I even had thoughts of starting that workout program I’ve been meaning to get back to. I haven’t done any of it. In fact, I’ve been so busy focusing on my work, I haven’t focused on myself one bit. I even had bought 12 microdermabrasion sessions (I got a really great deal!) and I haven’t even used a single one!
So what’s the big deal? Well, I’ve realized that when I lose myself in work, I’m not as happy as I could be. This means that I haven’t written as much this summer as I would’ve liked. I haven’t made as many plans as I normally would. I haven’t traveled or visited friends like I need to and I haven’t pushed myself out of my boundaries like I do in the summertime. I also haven’t been to the beach nearly enough.
Typically I have 10-15 funny, TALL stories to share by this time in the summer because I’ve been to so many ‘events’ or small town fairs but not this year. I’ve been a bit of a hermit. So here’s what I’m going to do.
1. I’m writing about it because I know this happens to everyone. Just because I’m tall and usually outgoing, doesn’t mean I’m immune to becoming a hermit once in a while. The trick is to get back out there and keep doing what makes me happy.
2. SHOP! That’s right, I need to shop. Okay, let me back up. I need to do something I enjoy and I happen to enjoy shopping, particularly online. In fact there are some new arrivals that need my attention at
3. I’m signing up for some classes this fall. I’m nervous, but I’m doing it. I’ve picked out 2: a French conversation class and a beginner yoga class. They meet once a week and it’s for adult beginners. I like to think I’m smart, but I have lots of learning left to do.
4. I’m trying not to stress about it. I’m a bit of a worrier so the less I can worry, and the more I can actually ‘do’ is so much better for my own psyche. At work I’m a go-getter but at home I’m a no-getter. What’s wrong with this picture? It needs some attention.
5. And last but not least, I’m making a list of everything I want to finish before this summer is over. I like to feel like I’ve accomplished something and checking things off of a list is an action that gives me that feeling. I’ve started my list and it’s not going to be too long because I don’t want to set myself up for failure, but I’d better get moving or I won’t finish it all.
So, now what do I do? It’s time for me to get to get to work on myself. I’ve got appointments to make, classes to sign up for and items to cross off my list! Summer isn’t over yet and there’s still time to make this a productive summer. Who is with me???

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jennings Girls in Oregon...Living TALL

Recently I had the most wonderful visit from two of my sisters and one of my nieces. It was my older sister, Heather and my youngest sister, Hilleri along with Hilleri’s daughter Baileigh. Man, did we have a nice time! Baileigh absolutely loved playing with my three cats and I had the opportunity to take my sisters to some of the beautiful places around Oregon.
We visited the children’s museum, we had margaritas on a patio in downtown Portland (yes, sometimes it IS sunny here), and then there’s my favorite thing we did, we went to Seaside and stayed in a hotel directly on the beach.
We ran along the beach, we dug for shells, we got our feet wet and Baileigh screamed with delight as she chased the ocean. It was a magical day and it was wonderful to be with my family. I love being around my sisters because we always have such a great time.
Of course I have to bring up the whole height thing because when you have 3 six footers walking along Seaside you can be sure we were noticed. It was brought up so many times with us shopping and especially when I rode the carousel with Baileigh. My feet were hanging off my horse and I could touch the ground. People love to point out the obvious and it’s so much more fun when I’ve got my sisters right there to help answer any questions in the most hilarious way possible.
I can remember back when I played sports in high school and college and I was always surrounded by tall women. It’s a very comfortable feeling for me. I could almost advocate only hanging out with people over 6 foot if my shorter friends weren’t so darn witty and funny. My wardrobe would double, I’d never have to bend over to hear anything every again, and I would always feels safe traveling in a pack of tall women (we appear to be much tougher than we are sometimes). But I couldn’t give up my short friends because they mean too much to me. I guess it’s a good thing that some people don’t ‘see’ height. It’s just not that important (unless you are trying to get noticed, of course).
Thanks for visiting me sisters. It’s your turn next Heidi!! (she’s the one that didn’t make it this trip)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Girl, you must be at least 7 feet tall !!!

Although my blog is titled “Loving Your Long Legs”, I will be the first one to admit that being tall isn’t always awesome. Like all great things it comes with its challenges and, the other day, I met one of them.
The other day, I was working a shift at my job as a “beauty advisor”. By “beauty advisor” I mean that I sell makeup to unsuspecting customers in a big box retail store. My job consists of standing on my feet all day wearing a shocking amount of makeup while I make casual conversation about bronzers, smooth wrinkle erasing (“I promise!”) creams and lotions on the tops of my hands and say in a sing-song voice “Would that be everything today?”. Needless to say, my employment position can be somewhat on the tiring side. That day, in particular, was particularly frustrating as I was assigned to a brand new, just-launched makeup line for teens. This would be fine, except that I work in a mall near several old age homes and our mean age demographic is about seventy-five. MAC who??
So there I was, hunched over the makeup counter, my six foot frame begging to be stretched back into its proper height, when a little old lady came strolling past with her husband. Being the excellent sales person that I am (*brushes shoulders off), I smiled sweetly and asked if there was anything I could help her with. Instead, this woman looked up at me with an expression that could only be described as confused and somewhat disgusted and said “My god, girl, you must be at least seven feet tall!!”.
I winced as the other makeup girls surrounding me stifled their giggles. But, being that I have been six feet since the age of fourteen, I was less than phased by her observation and said calmly and assuredly “Actually, madam, I am exactly six feet one inch. If I was seven feet I would have trouble fitting through a doorway and would be peering down at you from this height”, I placed my hand about a foot taller than my head and smiled again.
Now, normally that would be the end of it. The little old lady would simple say “Oh, dear, you are absolutely correct. My mistake! And, by the way, you look beautiful”. But, this time, the conversation went a little something like this:
Me: *Placing a hand a foot taller than me and smiling*
Little Old Lady: Oh well, girl, you are crazy because you are a hell of a lot taller than 6’1’’. In your dreams! *Stomps off
Me: *Shell shocked
I couldn’t believe it. I was incensed! My face was hot with anger. At that moment, a colleague of mine who had overheard the whole conversation came to my aid.
Colleague: Oh don’t worry, Anastasia. These things happen all the time in retail. People seem to think that they can take out their anger toward the world on us. Just let it slip off your back.
Me: Are you nuts??
Colleague: I’m sorry?
Me: I’m not mad because she yelled at me. I’m not even mad because she didn’t buy any product (which she needed, by the way). I’m mad because she didn’t believe me when I told her my actual height!! She got my height WRONG.
Colleague: *Confused
This isn’t the first time someone has guessed at my height and gotten it wrong. I have gotten everything from five eleven to, well, seven foot three if you must know. And, no matter how tall or short someone guesses I am, I am just as annoyed at either. Believe me, I get enough “tall girl questions” per day to have sort of become immune, but this seems different. After reflecting on it a bit, I think it comes down to pride.I am proud of being exactly six foot one inch. Although it can be backbreaking, I really do love my height. I can’t imagine myself being an average 5’5’’ or even a “tall” (ya right) 5’8’’. Even though it comes with baggage, I would not be the same person if I was shorter or taller. I love being tall because it makes me who I am. When people make assumptions of how tall I am, I not only feel like they are making assumptions about the length of my body, but that they are making assumptions about who I am as a person. That little old lady was prescribing a height for me that she thought fit. She was telling me what I was and who I was. She was wrong. Six foot one inch fits me just fine and I am so proud of it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why I can't stop talking about being tall !!

If you would’ve told me 20 years ago that I would be writing about being a tall woman, I would’ve laughed in your face. Twenty years ago I was a senior in high school trying to figure out how to handle growing up and being tall in a world that wasn’t equipped to for me. You see, this year is my 20 year anniversary of graduating from high school. In fact, in about a month I’m going back to Northern Iowa to see as many of my graduating class as possible. Considering that I graduated with only 35 people, I hope to see all of them.
20 years ago I did everything I could to hide from something that was so obvious to everyone around me. I was 6’4” and taller than most guys. I didn’t know how to handle it and I had a lot of anger because I never knew how I was supposed to act. So…I did nothing. I pretended that my height wasn’t there and went on with my life. While that was probably the best thing I could’ve done, it took me a long time to get rid of anger.
The anger was there because of what I called ‘the couldn’ts’. I couldn’t find clothes that fit, I couldn’t blend in, I couldn’t control the anger because I wanted to be anyone else but me. I put so many limitations on myself and it wasn’t until a few years later that I realized how lucky I was.
“Just once, let a guy taller than me ask me out on a date,” was a common thought of mine but it never happened. At least I was lucky, because my family was tall and I suppose they could relate on some level but I was so much taller than everyone else. I stood out no matter what I did and although my family was a great support for me, I wished I could’ve talked to someone or had somewhere to turn.
So now, 20 years later here I am. I share my stories in the hopes that they might help someone. I know I wish I had someone like me to talk to 20 years ago or at least I wish there would’ve been the plethora of resources available that there are now. I’m a lucky girl and the best part…I know how lucky I am. I hope you do too.

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Long Legged Love Story

Hi, my name is Anastasia and I have Long Legs. Whenever I say that I feel like I have just stepped into an AA meeting but it’s true that, whenever I meet someone new, I have the urge to just blurt it out, to just get the fact that I have outrageously long legs out in the open before anyone else can comment on them. Why? Because, as I stand there among a group of people I have just met, my legs dominate the conversation. They become the quintessential elephant in the room because, as much as I ignore them, as much as I try to jut out my hip and appear shorter, they stand there ready to take over the room. Then, the conversation becomes about ME, ME, ME! Or really, more like LEGS, LEGS, LEGS!
They really are exceptionally long at a mind-blowing 38’’ inseam. People aren’t exaggerating when they notice that my legs seem to stem out of my armpits, flowing down until they meet my size ten shoes. Yes, they are size tens. Not thirteens, not fifteens – tens. You can measure them.
It isn’t easy being bombarded with the stereotypical “tall” questions when you hardly know the person quizzing you. Being asked “Do you play basketball?”, “Are your parent’s tall?”, “Is it hard to find a boyfriend?” can really get on your last nerve. It always strikes me as funny that people assume that it is perfectly fine to demand answers to these questions when you are tall. I sometimes wonder if it works in reverse and have a secret desire to ask short people, fat people and skinny people some questions of my own.
Me: Do you play mini-put?
Short person: No, why?
Me: Oh, just because you are so small…haha! Get it?
My legs certainly grab attention. And, while I didn’t always see this as a good thing growing up, I can’t help but relish the attention now that I have grown into my body (well, as much as is humanly possible). My long legs have afforded me many opportunities. People remember me by my long legs. This has come in handy in interviews where the only thing differentiating me from my competitors is that “something special” that I most certainly have. It’s helped me in modelling, in public speaking and has helped me “stand out” (ugh I can just hear the short people laughing) from the huge university classroom crowd. And, contrary to popular belief that men have to always be taller then women, my legs have given me power in relationships. Short men love long legs. Tall men love long legs.
And so you see, the questions that people ask when I meet them may annoy me, they may shock me and they may even make me blush. But do you know what’s great about them? People are asking about me because I’m special and they want to know me. And that’s more than I can say for any average gal. So, instead of gritting your teeth the next time you are asked a “tall question”, laugh and smile and answer it with pride. You have been made to stand out and rock out, girl, so take the time to create your own Long Legged Love Story!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I’ve been asked quite often throughout my…ahem, 35+ years, what it’s like to be a Tall girl and quite honestly, I’ve never given exactly the right response. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve always given a response that’s typically tailored favorably to the situation but it’s taken me years to figure out my answer and you may not like what you are about to hear.
Before I get too deep allow me to give you some background about me that may help you understand me a little bit better.
I grew up on a farm in North-Central, rural Iowa. In fact, the population of the closest town to our farm was about 200 people. Everyone knew who the Jennings’ girls were; in fact, everyone knew the entire Jennings family. Our family has been living and farming in the area since the early 1900’s and we are tall and outgoing in a small community. Everybody knows everybody.
I wasn’t the tallest girl in Northern Iowa. There was one other girl taller than I was. She stood 6’5” and although I didn’t know her personally in high school, I did play basketball against her in college. I actually felt short! However there were quite a few tall girls all over Northern Iowa and Southern Minnesota, many were right at the 6’0” mark or just above.
There are so many facets to the question “What’s it like to be a Tall Girl” and the simple answer for me personally would be: ‘It’s awesome’. However, that’s not the full truth. In fact, it’s far from the truth. It’s not always awesome. I wouldn’t change it for the world but here’s what I normally wouldn’t tell you.
· Sometimes the stares and the comments get overwhelming—when I’m alone and I don’t feel like talking I can ignore it but when I’m with my very protective youngest sister, she tends to get a little frustrated. I went through a period of being angry but I realized that it did me no good. People typically don’t mean to be rude, they are merely curious.
· It’s not always fun to be the tallest person when there’s no other tall people around—yes, its true. When there’s a large group of people that are much shorter than you it can be uncomfortable. It’s difficult to hear what everyone is saying so you bend awkwardly in order to hear.
· Dating is difficult—either the guys are scared/intimated of you because of your height or some woman want a taller man. I spent my high school years and a few college years limiting myself to only men taller than me until I realized how much I was limiting myself. Even if you don’t care about your height, others do.
· Let’s face it, clothes shopping is hard—if I need a new pair of jeans I can’t go into a store and simply buy them. I have to buy them online. In high school and college, this was horrible. I was a walking mess. Now thankfully, we have stores like Long Legs to help us fashionably attire our long bodies.
So am I saying that being tall is horrible? NO WAY! 95% of the time I enjoy standing out in the crowd, I like the attention it gives me, and it’s my conversation starter. But, there’s that 5% of the time when I wish I could blend in and not get noticed because I don’t feel well or I didn’t shower or I didn’t wash my hair…whatever the reason. I’m so happy that I don’t have to dress weird to get noticed or wear crazy makeup and a Mohawk to have someone talk to me. I can simply walk into a room and immediately I turn heads. That’s some pretty awesome stuff. Thanks mom and dad.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Casting call for TALL families.

Gay Rosenthal Productions, the Emmy nominated producers behind "Little People, Big World", are casting an exciting new series TALL! The show will explore the offbeat and often-complex lives of a family or individual with a dramatic physical difference: above average height.If you are a tall family with some of your members at least 6'6" tall, you may be the next famous family!The show will explore the offbeat and often-complex lives of a family or individual with a dramatic physical difference: above average height.Casting Directors are looking for people of towering height who are willing to share their stories on a television series to be aired on a major cable network. The show will feature a family of tall people, an individual and/or a group of tall people, with members at least 6’6”. (Though not everyone in the family needs to be tall.)It’s not easy being tall... The series will address the large set of unique challenges that tall people face every day, from custom-tailored clothes to adapting to a world not made for people of exceptional height. The show aims to explore the fascinating daily lives and journeys of unique and very tall people.If interested please email: with name, age, height, location, a brief bio, and please include several recent photos of you and family if applicable.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It’s feeling like spring and I’ve decided to clean out my closet. I tend to shop a bit too much and the clothes I don’t wear anymore get thrown into the back. It has caused my closet to overflow and although the cats love this area to sleep, I can’t find anything.
The task itself seemed insurmountable so I broke it up the best I could. I took the entire contents of the closet out in sections and placed them on my bed. Then I went through the piles and sorted it into 2 parts: keep and give away. If I decided that I was going to give it away, that piece of clothing immediately went into a large suitcase to send home with one of my sisters. The keep pile stayed on the bed. I’m amazed at my results and I’ve tried to sort the results into categories so you can better understand. I have a feeling I’m not alone:
Pre-Tall Clothes—these are the clothes that I purchased before I really knew how to appropriately clothe a tall body. I would shop at a normal store and attempt to fit into clothes that weren’t made for me. They would cover the parts of me that needed covering, but they didn’t fit right. Some of these clothes are from high school or just after college!
Goal Clothing—these are the clothes that I’ve either bought thinking I was going to lose some weight or I honestly thought I was thinner than I was and I ordered the size smaller from what I was wearing. The clothes are a bit too small. I keep these around because you never know when I’m going to miraculously drop 20 pounds.
Different Sizes—I have the same clothes but in different sizes. If I like something so much I might buy 2 of the same thing, but one in a size smaller (see reasoning as above—those same 20 pounds).
Nostalgic Clothing—I have my Grandma Iva’s red shirt, my Grandpa Ray’s brown sweater, and my Uncle Mike’s green sweater turtleneck. I’ve got high school basketball jerseys and college basketball jerseys and coats with my last name on the back. I don’t wear any of these items but I keep them because they bring me good memories.
What I’ve also realized regarding my wardrobe is that I tend to wear one outfit multiple times especially if I like it. This definitely cuts down on my laundry however I’m beginning to wonder if people notice. I recently ordered the Supplex Black Hoodie from Long Legs and I haven’t taken it off in about 2 weeks. I wear it with different colored scarves to spice it up. I’ve worn it with sweatpants or jeans. I’ve switch up the shoes from a pair of Mary Jane’s sneakers. I love this hoodie!
I spent most of the day cleaning out my closet and I now have a pretty good idea of what clothing I have. I’ve discovered that I’m truly eclectic in my style and I can only hope that outwardly I’m reflecting a fun manner of fashion and not a wacko who throws clothes together.
Another thing that I realized is that although I have my favorite outfits it doesn’t matter what I’m wearing as long as I’m surrounded by friends or family. My favorite pictures are when I have loved ones near me and it really doesn’t matter what I’m wearing. I look my best when I have that wonderful, happy look on my face that’s caused from being giddy with love and happiness. Huh….lesson learned.

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Tall Girl's Lessons from a European trip

I was fortunate enough to travel throughout parts of Europe for 2 full weeks this year. 2 weeks! I’ve never taken this long of a vacation in my life. I went to Ireland once with my best friend for 9 days about 3 years ago. It was the longest, best, 9-day pub crawl I’ve ever done. But this was different. This was with my boyfriend of 3+ years and we wanted to sight-see as well as visit his French family.
I also wanted to simply be me. When I’m me, things happen. My height attracts attention and I wanted to record the extra-ordinary events that take place when you are tall. Being tall creates opportunities. However sometimes it’s difficult to see these situations as opportunities. Every city holds a special piece of me now because I can say that I’ve been there and in every city, something special happened. In fact, it all started in the airplane. My boyfriend told the flight attendant that I was a former Miss Tall International and he wanted his picture with me. He then announced it to the crowd as we were waiting in line to get through customs.
In Amsterdam I was absolutely astounded at how tall people were. Everywhere I looked I was staring people in the forehead, or even in the eyes. Sounds silly, huh? Not if you’re 6’4”. Typically I look around and all I can see is hair or the tops of heads (sometimes bald). But this time I saw faces and it was beautiful! Amsterdam had scores of tall folks everywhere I looked. I felt very at home. When I visited the Anne Frank historical site there were several other tall folk there and we all had some trouble on the teeny tiny stairs. I had to go up the stairs sideways because of how steep they were and it gave our tall group something to giggle about even though it was a very somber historical setting. I had a feeling of camaraderie with these strangers and I wouldn’t have had this without my big feet.
In Brussels I’m fairly certain I was hit on by a homeless man. I can’t be sure of the language he spoke nor can I be sure that he was homeless but he followed me along making gestures and speaking. I simply nodded and smiled the entire time. He kept making this tall motion with his hand and when he realized that I didn’t understand, he winked. Now that I’m familiar with so I understood part of what he was saying but it’s too bad we couldn’t understand each other. That really would’ve been a fun conversation.
We took a side trip to Bruges. I would highly recommend this city to anyone and everyone as it is so beautiful! As we sat in the restaurant overlooking the smaller town square I asked the waiter if he could recommend a local brew. He suggested one and I always go with suggestions of waiters (they know what they are talking about!). He brought the glass of Leffe beer and it was huge. He had this cute little grin and he impishly said, “Grand beer for grand lady”. I couldn’t help but smile. Yeah, I know I’m grand. The beer was delightfully spicy and I was pleasantly surprised to find a store here in Portland that carries it.
In England, London Bridge was where I had the most fun with my height. Visiting the London Bridge was a popular place for schools to take tours and I ran into many, many children who would laugh with me as I had to bend over to fit through the tiny doors.
In Paris I wanted to shop. I could’ve shopped along the Avenue des Champs-Élysées but I’m a bargain shopper and I really don’t care about brand names or couture. I wandered all around Paris and I found a shop called ‘Sunshine’. I found exactly what I was looking for in this shop. Longer tops, fun and feminine, I even saw a few dresses that looked pretty good but I was looking for tops. I went into H&M and found a couple of cute shirts there too. See, tall people can find shirts…we tall girls simply can’t find pants and fitted pieces of clothing. It was fun watching my boyfriend speaking in his fluent French (he’s from Montreal) and me pretending that I understood exactly what was being said by everyone. I think the best part of shopping in Paris was when I wandered into a plus size shop and the saleswomen were trying to fit me into everything as well as teach me French, to the amusement of my boyfriend.
What I learned from my European trip is simple: People are generally the same everywhere…Period. It’s wonderful and consistent and as long as you continue to have a smile on your face you’ll be received as such. For me, this lesson was life-changing. The better my outlook, the better I feel, the better I’m received by strangers. It’s such a simple thing and it goes far beyond my vertical measurements.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fitness meets Fashion: 38" Inseam Yoga Jeans

Jeans are not generally associated with perfect comfort. They tend to impede the large movements of the body and restrain any unusual stretching. But Second has changed all that! Combining fashion and comfort, Second Yoga Jeans are perfect for a lifestyle where the emphasis is on well-being, and where flexibility and relaxation are part of daily life.
“Yoga is currently very popular in North America. Some 9 million people practice this discipline uniting body and mind. And they appreciate anything that contributes to balance and well-being,” notes Second designer Eric Wazana. "That's why we've created these fabulous jeans that combine the height of flexibility and style.”
Offering the flexibility of a yoga garment, Second Yoga Jeans establish a perfect balance between the trendy styling of 5-pocket jeans and the comfort of lounge pants.

The secret is in the fiber Made of top-quality denim containing 97% brushed cotton and 3% elastane, Second Yoga Jeans hug the curves of the body in any position. They fit the ups and downs of a hectic day and metamorphose into laid-back fashion in the evening. For those who rack up air miles, Second Yoga Jeans are the ideal transatlantic traveling companion, because Second uses denim with 92% shape memory, while the industry standard is only 64%. And thanks to their revolutionary treatment, the cuts and styles actually shape, hold, and lengthen the body and help mask its defects. We are so excited...they will be in stores this weekend (April 30th) !!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Listen up ladies I’ve got the skinny on fashion. I’ve been visiting Europe (Belgium, the Netherlands, England, and France) for 2 weeks and I’ve got to tell you what I’ve seen. Now keep in mind, I’m no fashion expert. I love fashion but I’m a stickler for being comfortable. My personal fashion mantra is “I wear what I like.” Sometimes I hit it really well, and then other times I think I miss the mark, but overall I enjoy clothes. My go-to outfit this trip were my super long jeans and favorite purple sweater (both from

Below is my inventory of what I saw during my travels. Please keep in mind that I was in bigger cities and of course the fashion that I saw doesn’t necessarily reflect what you should wear; it’s more of a fun ‘This is what they are doing on the other side of the pond’. I always say, “Wear what YOU like.” I should also mention, it’s tough to snap good photos of fashion in action so I don’t have any great shots of what I’m going to describe below. Hopefully you can imagine all of the sophisticated women dancing lightly along the sidewalks of Europe looking fabulous!

Scarves—Holy cow! Scarves everywhere. Even the men wear scarves. I wasn’t completely sold on the look before my vacation however I’ve seen so many different looks that I’m now on the bandwagon. You can wear them in your hair, around your waist, around your neck, thrown casually about your shoulders, it’s so versatile. Plus…(this is key) your scarf doesn’t have to match. Prints go with anything and a full colored scarf will make any outfit ‘pop’. The light-weight scarves are great for warmer weather, and grab a knit when it’s cold. Love it!

Skinny Jeans—I love this look on ladies with svelte figures however this is a tough one to pull off if you don’t find the right cut of jeans. I can’t wear this look very well. I have wide hips and the skinny jeans seem to accentuate the parts of me that I’d prefer to keep hidden. Women in Europe are wearing this look everywhere and it looks really…cool. I can’t think of a better word to describe this.

Boots—Tuck your skinny jeans in your boots, throw on a scarf and off you go. Seriously, boots are everywhere too. I wish I would’ve gotten a picture of this one woman who had lighter, brown, tall boots with a matching purse. She had on dark jeans and a dark shirt with a colored scarf. It was a sharp look. I’m going to attempt this look myself with a twist on the skinny jean. (It’s going to be fun!!)

Dressy Coats—I love coats. I have way too many and I see that I would fit in very well in Europe. Coats that are fitted (Trench Coats in particular) seem to very popular although short fitted coats are quite prevalent as well.

Jewelry—Yes, ladies jewelry is everywhere. Long chains, lots of bracelets, and big rings. I love key pieces of jewelry but I actually found myself wondering a few times what the point of wearing so much jewelry when it’s covered by a scarf…but I’m only here to report what I saw, not judge. I literally found that I could sit and stare for hours at all of the fashion that walks by. In fact, that’s what I did a couple of times in London, Paris and Brussels. I ordered some local beer or wine and my boyfriend and I would split a dessert and I sat and simply enjoyed my environment. So, there you have it. These are the looks that I found extremely popular while overseas. I have to admit, I love seeing the outfits that people put together. Some hits, some misses…hmmm, a lot like me.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


As mentioned in many Spring Trend Reports Maxi dresses are big this season and i can't get enough of this trend. Maxi dresses with their carefree swish and sway have me swooning over them. What I absolutely LOVE about this trend is the ultra feminie look it combines with easy style. Maxi dresses are so versatile; they can be worn from day to night with a quick easy change of accessories. The key to having the perfect Maxi dress for us tall women is definately LENGTH !! Your entire look can go wrong in a hurry if the length isnt bang on. This season we have made our new cotton Maxi Dress 64" long from the shoulder seam. No more having to sacrifice not wearing heels or constantly pulling it down (hoping it will somehow stretch lol) .
This seasons Maxi dress is made to enhance your tall beautiful body....enjoy and celebrate it !

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Things that make me smile?

Have you ever had one of those really crazy moments in your car where you start laughing out loud? I had one earlier this week. I was sitting at a stoplight and the song, “Welcome to the Jungle” by Guns and Roses came on. At that exact moment, a homeless man with a bandana wrapped around his head shimmeyed past. I’m not sure you can call it dancing but whatever it was, he looked like he was having a fantastic time. I started to laugh and at that exact moment he turned to look at me! My first thought was, “I’m so busted”. My second thought after I saw him smile and nod at me, “He knows I wasn’t laughing at him. He knows I was appreciating his good time”. It made my day. And it makes me smile thinking about now.
You know what else makes my day? When a little girl looks up to you and wants to be just as tall as you. My friend, Teresa has a daughter who wants to grow as tall as ‘her mommy’s friend, Holli’. I love that! It’s almost as refreshing as my own 4 nieces who compete to be the tallest. I make a point to tell them that I’m saving all of my evening gowns for them someday so they won’t have to look as hard as I did and the excitement in their eyes is priceless. They can’t wait. They don’t know what they are waiting for but they know it’s something good. Height is something to behold with them. It’s exciting. It’s powerful. Kids want to be JUST LIKE YOU. But here’s the key that I think a lot of people may miss…kids don’t see just the height. Yeah that’s part of it but they see the confidence and how you carry yourself and that’s what they are picking up on. That’s who they want to embody when they grow up.
When one of my younger nieces was 4 or maybe 5 years old I visited her pre-school and she introduced me to everyone in the room. It wasn’t my name that mattered or even the fact that I was Miss Tall International® at the time. What mattered to the boys and the girls was, “Could I touch the ceiling?” (I could) and I felt like a hero that day. Had I been embarrassed about my height, I would not have walked away with that amazing feeling. My niece was proud because she had the ‘Cool Aunt’ for show-and-tell. (Okay, I might’ve made up the ‘Cool’ part, but you get my point). We both walked away feeling awesome.
Another random thing that made me smile this week was one of the many times I got noticed. I went to a comedy club and as I was leaving I passed by where the comedians were selling their CD’s and t-shirts. I walked right up to the table and all 3 of the comedians ignored everyone directly in front of them and they all greeted me, “Hey Tall Girl, thanks for coming to the show tonight.” “How did you like the show?” “Would you like to buy a t-shirt/CD?” “Is that your boyfriend with you?” “How’d you like to go out sometime with someone a little shorter?” Keep in mind, people are 3 deep in front of me but all 3 comedians only have eyes for me. Either that or I’m seriously the tallest woman they have ever seen! I’m shouting over the tops of everyone how I loved the show and that I have a saying about shorter men. I made a motion from shoulder to shoulder and I said, “Must be this tall to ride the ride, Fellas.” I smiled, waved and walked out the door with my boyfriend in tow. Now tell me, how could you NOT smile after that?

Here are some other quick thoughts on things that made me smile this week:

· Knowing that I have exit row seats for my Portland – to – Amsterdam flight because the Delta flight attendant saw our heights (both of us at 6’4”) and she knew that we would really appreciate them

· Receiving 8 free drink tickets from a co-worker for my Delta flight (what a great guy that Roy!

· Getting my hair highlighted and knowing that the lighter color makes me feel like spring is on the way

· Buying new make-up at MAC that can cover anything (you’ll understand when you read below)

Now, I do have something to tell you that does not make me smile. It doesn’t really have anything to do with height but perhaps if you have pets you can relate. I have cats and there’s one in particular who isn’t cuddly during the day, but at night he likes to sleep on my head (the cat in the picture is the offending cat, Meow-Meow). Earlier this week he was directly on top of my head and I must’ve moved during the night in a way that startled him because he launched himself straight off of my face using his back-claws. I now have a black-eye. Honestly, it looks kinda cool, like I’m rough and I got in an altercation however I’m leaving for my big trip very soon and I certainly hope that the bruising and scratches calm down. Nothing that a little make-up won’t cover, I suppose.

It’s been pretty darn good week around my neck of the woods and I can’t complain. I’ll be taking in some new adventures over the next couple of weeks which you can be sure I will write about. Until then…

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Living TALL with HOLLI

Pull up a chair and let’s have a chat.
I am just like you. I made spaghetti for dinner tonight. I used a canned sauce and put extra cheese in it because no one was watching (well, except for the cats...shhhh!). And for no reason at all I opened a bottle of chardonnay because I felt like it. I bet you do that occasionally.
I have great friends, some live in Portland, Oregon where I live. Some live elsewhere. In fact, tonight I’m drinking my chardonnay out of a glass that my good friend Jane gave me. The glass has a Queen’s crown on it and it makes me feel special. I do things periodically that make me feel special. You probably do that too.
I like to write, especially about the one truly noticeable thing that makes ME special…my height. Here’s where I may or may not be like you. I’m 6’4”. I can’t go into a ‘normal’ store and buy a long-sleeved shirt because the sleeves fit half-way up my arms. Ditto on the pants. I’ve never been able to shop in a ‘normal-sized’ store. It used to bother me, but it doesn’t anymore. Why, you may ask? Because I have options now (the dress I am wearing in the picture is one of my favorites from Long Legs Fashions !!!) and I can still go into those ‘normal-size’ stores for short sleeves, skirts (not too short, mind you), dresses, and things that don’t have to be fitted.
So a little bit about me: I grew up in tall family (picture above). Dad is 6’6”, Mom is 5’7”, and my sisters are all around 6’0”. I’m wearing heels in the picture below so I look like I’m the same height as my dad! I always wear heels. The way I see it, I’m taller than most everyone anyway. (Disclaimer: this picture is a few years old and I know my sisters might have a few things to say about this-we’ve all changed a bit) .So why write, and more importantly, why write about height? First and foremost I love to write. My hope is that most tall women can relate to at least something I write about. I’m not completely delusional in thinking that everyone is going to recognize themselves in me. That would just be plain silly. Maybe I can touch a nerve sometime? Maybe I can help someone at some point? Maybe even a story I share will be mirror a story of your own. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the pants?!? Get to know me as I open up about my life as a tall person. There will be good and bad, probably some funny stories and my hope is that you will find something to relate to. Personally, I enjoy being tall and the attention it gets me and I wouldn’t change it for the world. My height affords me the ability to meet new people on a daily basis that I don’t think people of regular height realize. I also think that my height has given me many other opportunities in business, relationship, and even friendships. There can be downsides as well which I fully intend on discussing.
So, sit back, have your glass of chardonnay or whatever makes you feel special and get to know me. I’m pretty sure we have a lot to talk about. If there is something on your mind please email me at and I will be sure to get back to you or talk about it !! Thanks

Monday, February 14, 2011


Leggings are really hot going into Spring 2011. Above all, they are comfortable. All of our leggings are made of super soft fabric. Leggings are great because are very versatile. They can be dressed up with your fancy tunic blouse or dressed down in a very casual way. Different ways to wear your own leggings help you enhance your strategies to be fashionable. They enjoy a wide variety of colors as well. They are designed in ways to help develop your fashion sence. More and more designers this season have made leggings a key component of their collection. Various legging styles like our new Cargo Legging offer you more opportunities to make them go with your whole dressing style. As for length – they HAVE to be long enough…make sure you get a pair long enough for your long legs. Yeah …summer is coming !!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year everyone!

Here’s to a bright and prosperous 2011. With the new year comes new ambitions. At Long Legs we have some lofty goals for 2011 – create even better clothing at the best price possible; offer a variety of style solutions to our customers; open more stores to bring the brand to more shoppers; and do it all while looking chic and keeping healthy. We are very excited about our Summer 2011 collection which is full of colorful Maxi Dresses, Linen Suits, fabulous new fabrics, new activewear and much much more. Stay tuned for a preview soon…….