I can’t believe how quickly this summer has flown by. My 20 year class reunion has come and gone. My youngest sister got engaged and married. I turned 38 in June. Stores are starting to bring in their fall and winter lines…I’ve been so busy with life that I’ve barely had a free moment. I feel like I looked up and it was mid-August.
It’s been an odd, but interesting summer. I had challenged myself to grow this summer. I had big plans of what I thought I would accomplish. I was going to take a French class this summer, I was going to go camping, and I even had thoughts of starting that workout program I’ve been meaning to get back to. I haven’t done any of it. In fact, I’ve been so busy focusing on my work, I haven’t focused on myself one bit. I even had bought 12 microdermabrasion sessions (I got a really great deal!) and I haven’t even used a single one!
So what’s the big deal? Well, I’ve realized that when I lose myself in work, I’m not as happy as I could be. This means that I haven’t written as much this summer as I would’ve liked. I haven’t made as many plans as I normally would. I haven’t traveled or visited friends like I need to and I haven’t pushed myself out of my boundaries like I do in the summertime. I also haven’t been to the beach nearly enough.
Typically I have 10-15 funny, TALL stories to share by this time in the summer because I’ve been to so many ‘events’ or small town fairs but not this year. I’ve been a bit of a hermit. So here’s what I’m going to do.
1. I’m writing about it because I know this happens to everyone. Just because I’m tall and usually outgoing, doesn’t mean I’m immune to becoming a hermit once in a while. The trick is to get back out there and keep doing what makes me happy.
2. SHOP! That’s right, I need to shop. Okay, let me back up. I need to do something I enjoy and I happen to enjoy shopping, particularly online. In fact there are some new arrivals that need my attention at LongLegs.ca
3. I’m signing up for some classes this fall. I’m nervous, but I’m doing it. I’ve picked out 2: a French conversation class and a beginner yoga class. They meet once a week and it’s for adult beginners. I like to think I’m smart, but I have lots of learning left to do.
4. I’m trying not to stress about it. I’m a bit of a worrier so the less I can worry, and the more I can actually ‘do’ is so much better for my own psyche. At work I’m a go-getter but at home I’m a no-getter. What’s wrong with this picture? It needs some attention.
5. And last but not least, I’m making a list of everything I want to finish before this summer is over. I like to feel like I’ve accomplished something and checking things off of a list is an action that gives me that feeling. I’ve started my list and it’s not going to be too long because I don’t want to set myself up for failure, but I’d better get moving or I won’t finish it all.
So, now what do I do? It’s time for me to get to get to work on myself. I’ve got appointments to make, classes to sign up for and items to cross off my list! Summer isn’t over yet and there’s still time to make this a productive summer. Who is with me???
It’s been an odd, but interesting summer. I had challenged myself to grow this summer. I had big plans of what I thought I would accomplish. I was going to take a French class this summer, I was going to go camping, and I even had thoughts of starting that workout program I’ve been meaning to get back to. I haven’t done any of it. In fact, I’ve been so busy focusing on my work, I haven’t focused on myself one bit. I even had bought 12 microdermabrasion sessions (I got a really great deal!) and I haven’t even used a single one!
So what’s the big deal? Well, I’ve realized that when I lose myself in work, I’m not as happy as I could be. This means that I haven’t written as much this summer as I would’ve liked. I haven’t made as many plans as I normally would. I haven’t traveled or visited friends like I need to and I haven’t pushed myself out of my boundaries like I do in the summertime. I also haven’t been to the beach nearly enough.
Typically I have 10-15 funny, TALL stories to share by this time in the summer because I’ve been to so many ‘events’ or small town fairs but not this year. I’ve been a bit of a hermit. So here’s what I’m going to do.
1. I’m writing about it because I know this happens to everyone. Just because I’m tall and usually outgoing, doesn’t mean I’m immune to becoming a hermit once in a while. The trick is to get back out there and keep doing what makes me happy.
2. SHOP! That’s right, I need to shop. Okay, let me back up. I need to do something I enjoy and I happen to enjoy shopping, particularly online. In fact there are some new arrivals that need my attention at LongLegs.ca
3. I’m signing up for some classes this fall. I’m nervous, but I’m doing it. I’ve picked out 2: a French conversation class and a beginner yoga class. They meet once a week and it’s for adult beginners. I like to think I’m smart, but I have lots of learning left to do.
4. I’m trying not to stress about it. I’m a bit of a worrier so the less I can worry, and the more I can actually ‘do’ is so much better for my own psyche. At work I’m a go-getter but at home I’m a no-getter. What’s wrong with this picture? It needs some attention.
5. And last but not least, I’m making a list of everything I want to finish before this summer is over. I like to feel like I’ve accomplished something and checking things off of a list is an action that gives me that feeling. I’ve started my list and it’s not going to be too long because I don’t want to set myself up for failure, but I’d better get moving or I won’t finish it all.
So, now what do I do? It’s time for me to get to get to work on myself. I’ve got appointments to make, classes to sign up for and items to cross off my list! Summer isn’t over yet and there’s still time to make this a productive summer. Who is with me???